Amor escondido

Joana Almeida

This song portrays the dream of finding true love. Love is sometimes waiting right next to us and it's not always understood! It's like everything else! It revolves around time! Time that teaches us to deal, to give ourselves and to give to the other. When is the right time to love? Where will my love be? Since love is this infinite discovery, why not say that it's hidden? Will we find it in a new person? Or find it again in the same person? Love is Hidden" in this story, but found again, recovered, transformed, but continually hidden so that we don't lose the will to seek it out.

Joana Almeida

Joana Almeida

Joana Almeida, natural de Paços da Serra – Gouveia, demonstrou desde muito cedo uma curiosidade e um gosto especial pela música, tendo-lhe já valido a presença em diversos...
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