GDA - Gestão dos Direitos dos Artistas (Artists' Rights Management) is a cooperative created by and for artists that positions itself as a public interest, non-profit organization whose objective is the collective management of Artists' Rights Related to Copyright.
Born in 1995 as a result of the merger between CADA - Cooperativa de Administração dos Direitos dos Artistas and APA - Associação Portuguesa de Atores, GDA is part of a wide network of similar institutions at international level that fight for Artists' Rights and for the protection of Intellectual Property towards a more culturally just and evolved society throughout the world.
The GDA also supports artists and the development of their careers through its Social Action and Cultural Action Funds. Aiming to expand the activities carried out through these Funds, in order to better manage the resources available to meet the cultural, economic and social needs of its Cooperators, at the end of 2010 the GDA created the GDA Foundation, a private, non-profit legal entity based in Lisbon. Since then, GDA's Social Action and Cultural Action services have been integrated into the Foundation.

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The Sociedade Portuguesa de Autores (SPA) is a non-profit private law cooperative, with recognized public utility,...

AUDIOGEST - Associação para a Gestão e Distribuição de Direitos (Association for the Management and Distribution of...