In Portugal, the Inspectorate of Cultural Activities (IGAC) is the entity specialized in the protection of copyright and related rights, which competes with various other attributions in the field of cultural activities. Its role is decisive in the context of cultural development policies, namely in the improvement, development, management and protection of copyright and related rights and in ensuring the technical and safety conditions of artistic venues, where it has inspection powers. In the field of shows, it is also the entity responsible for overseeing all bullfighting activities.

In addition to the inspection component, which also includes technical, financial and management audits of the entities that are organically integrated and dependent on the supervision of Culture, IGAC's bodies include the Classification Commission, which is responsible for the age classification of cultural works and content, entertainment and shows of an artistic nature (cinematographic, theatrical, opera and videogram works, etc.). It is also responsible for registering literary and artistic works, controlling the distribution of cinematographic works and authenticating videograms.


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