The Sociedade Portuguesa de Autores (SPA) is a non-profit private law cooperative, with recognized public utility, created for the collective management of copyright, which acts under the terms of article 73 of the CDADC and its statutes.
The SPA manages works and acts to defend the rights of authors who have registered with it as members or whom it represents through reciprocal representation contracts signed with foreign counterparts. The declaration of a work in the SPA allows for its management, the defense - extrajudicial and/or judicial - of the patrimonial and moral rights of the authors that the SPA represents and the collection and distribution of the rights generated by its use to the most diverse users, national or foreign.

Week Top APF Portugal
All new releases in Portugal by APF

GDA - Gestão dos Direitos dos Artistas (Artists' Rights Management) is a cooperative created by and for artists tha...

AUDIOGEST - Associação para a Gestão e Distribuição de Direitos (Association for the Management and Distribution of...